Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Play growing .ts files without stopping.
I record .ts streams to disk. If I start a recording, wait 10 seconds for example, and then try playing the file within Kodi, the file will play but stop after 10 seconds. If I do the same with VLC, the file will keep playing longer than 10 seconds. Is there any way to have this functionality within Kodi?

It seems like Kodi will start playing the .ts file and put a hard limit on what it will play based effectively on the file size as it sees it when it first opens it, rather than keep on playing the video chunks as they're written to disk after the file has been opened.
My experience with the file system is 10 seconds into a recording via the file system isn't enough, did you try waiting 30 seconds?
10 seconds was just an example. It may be 2 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc etc... The problem is the problem.

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Play growing .ts files without stopping.0