building XBMC from source ..
Hi all ..

i try to build XBMC from source, but without success .. strange issue occurs ..
configure is performed ok as well as make command seems like completed without errors, but when try to do `make install`, error occurs, because i have not compiled xbmc.bin file and is strange, that after compilation .BUILD directory does not exist..
some outputs are here ::
./configure --prefix=/opt/XBMC --disable-debug --disable-joystick ## used configure method .. successful

make -j2 ## make command .. successful

make install ## outputs following
> make install
Creating target directories in /opt/XBMC/share/xbmc
Copying system files to /opt/XBMC/share/xbmc
Copying XBMC binary to /opt/XBMC/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin
cp: cannot stat `xbmc.bin': No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1

thanks for reply ..
regards by ntz
This happened most likely due an incomplete build process caused by "make -j 2".
This is a known issue and could be easily fixed by just running make again. Please report back if it solved your problem.
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ok .. should i use '-j2' option?

one additional thing :: configure process reported messages something like , that
"seems to component foo ignores --datadir path .."

btw. i am compiling revison #16114 (just today's)

my system is openSuSE 11.0 ::
# uname -a
Linux kokina #1 SMP 2008-10-21 16:30:26 +0200 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

feature request :: please change README.linux feeling from `for ubuntu intended` to `common linux intended` .. if will be possible, get there list of needed *-devel packages .. it should be enough then.

search the wiki/forums. i know people have gotten it working on opensuse before. the reason README.linux has an ubuntu feeling is because it's currently the only supported platform.
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I have the same issue when try to build XBMC for Fedora 9. Compilation is finished without any error. But the xbmc.bin is not created. As result make install gives that error:
Copying XBMC binary to /opt/XBMC/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin
cp: cannot stat `xbmc.bin': No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1
I run make three times but without luck.
nite_man Wrote:I have the same issue when try to build XBMC for Fedora 9. Compilation is finished without any error. But the xbmc.bin is not created. As result make install gives that error:
Copying XBMC binary to /opt/XBMC/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin
cp: cannot stat `xbmc.bin': No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1
I run make three times but without luck.

Then compilation DID NOT finish w/o error. Run make (no -j option) then pastebin the output.
Just an FYI.
On some Linux systems you may need to issue this command prior to your make so that your library path variable is handled properly.

export LD=ld
You didn't noticed this thread is more than 2 years old, did you? Laugh

f**k..... started editing without sudo | M.K.

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building XBMC from source ..0