mounting truecrypt encrypted partition uring boot
I`m using xbmc from the live cd. I would like to acess my encrypted partitioin, which was crypted with truecrypt. I`m searching for some art of start-script , which would check, if a keyfile on USB drive is present, in antohre case would ask for password.
It should looks like this >

during the boot DO
IF (keyfile on /media/usb present)
THEN mount truecrypt volume on /.../...
check for password
timeout 10sec
   IF (password set correctly)
   THEN mount truecrypt volume on /.../...
do normal boot
I do not know how to make shell-scripts or something else. But i know the commands for the truecrypt.
Can anyone help me please ?
This seems like a general Linux or Truecrypt question. You might have better luck on the truecrypt or ubuntu forums.
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Yes , i posted the same question in one ubuntu forum. Searched the truecrypt forum , without efffor.
But in the XBMC comunity are many very skilled Linux users , so mabye someone find a solution.
If i found one , i will post it here.
You could try to buy a new car at the grocery store because they employ many retired car salesmen by that logic.
althekiller Wrote:You could try to buy a new car at the grocery store because they employ many retired car salesmen by that logic.

Because of my bad english I didn`t really understand zour post. But I understand the meaning and the irony. HAHAHAHA

So - some other people helped me , so the code should looks like this :

while :; do
        if [ -f /path/to/keyfile ]; then
                mount_truecript_volume_command && exit;
                echo no keyfile for truecrypt found && exit;
                echo gimme password or ctrl+c;
                read -s -t 5 PASSWORD || exit;
                mount_truecrip_volume_command && exit;

                echo bad password;

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mounting truecrypt encrypted partition uring boot0