Trying to get xorg.conf to force 1280x720p
I'm out of town and was hoping to leave a 9300GT system at parents house. While my home 9300GT system is working great, this one is attached to an older plasma (Maxent MX-50x3). XBMC Live keeps selecting 1024x768 as it's resolution, which screws up the aspect ratio and looks kind of crummy. I've been fiddling with xorg.conf for the first time and am totally stumped.

I read in another thread that xorg doesn't even use modelines anymore; is this true? If so what replaced it?

If someone has a similar working xorg.conf, can you post it so I can try to modify it to my needs?

here you have some inspiration atleast
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
which input on the TV are you using.

I forced my bedroom TV 32" V7 (Konka) to HD1080i via the TV format and TV std options.

View the NVIDIA manual on their webpage, driver search for linux 32 bit and then there is a link to the manual along with the driver download.

Thanks for the help. I decided to abort this install and mail them a Popcorn Hour instead (connected via component). I will keep my current XBMC 9300GT setup at my home, as I love it. This Maxent plasma which is 3 years old was also having issues with the HDMI switch, requiring a power cycle as well.

Can a mod please close this thread?

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Trying to get xorg.conf to force 1280x720p0