Scan for new content (TV) not working anymore?
I have most of my Seinfeld episodes catalogued into XBMC, but the last half of season 6 won't import when I select "Scan for new content". This is what my log shows:
14:49:41 T:3067451232 M: 15728640   DEBUG: Sort, sorting took 0 millis
14:49:41 T:3067451232 M: 15728640   DEBUG: found match smb://fowie-desktop/tvseries/seinfeld/the_fusilli_jerry_s06e21.avi (s06e21) [[Ss]([0-9]+)[\.-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
14:49:41 T:3067451232 M: 15728640    INFO: Get URL:
14:49:41 T:3067451232 M: 15699968   ERROR: Server returned: 404 Not Found
14:49:41 T:3067451232 M: 15699968   ERROR: InternalGetEpisodeList: Unable to retrieve web site
14:49:41 T:3067451232 M: 15699968   DEBUG: failed to get details
why is the scraper not working anymore?
IMDB and THETVDB had had problems in the last days, not really an XBMC problem. I got the same problem 2 days ago and wasted 1 hour tracing the problem.
Maybe xbmc is making a statement regarding your choice of TV shows? Smile
Viewsonic N4285P, ASUS P5N7A-VM, Intel E8500, Mushkin PC28500 2x2GB, Antec Fusion Black 430, Logitech DiNovo Mini, Patriot X-Mini 8GB
Working: 1080p, hdmi audio
Partial: Logitech DiNovo Mini needs 'sudo rmmod usbhid;sudo modprobe usbhid' after boot to make cursor work
Not working: IMON display

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Scan for new content (TV) not working anymore?0