Antec Fusion Remote OR Antec Fusion 430
Trying to decide on a case and saw that both of these are popular options...

Is the difference that the Fusion Remote comes without a PS and with a Remote whereas the Fusion 430 comes with a PS (perhaps a little noisy) and no remote?

Also, can the LCD on this case be used for anything (in Ubuntu)?

I've tested the Micro Fusion 350 and Fusion Remote 430:

Remote Fusion 430:

Nice design (I got the black)
Volume Knob and LCD work with Ubunutu 8.10 (need lirc 8.04)
You can install standard form factor extension card (PCI-E GPU)

LCD display has a poor quality display. The blue backlight is pain (it stays on even if the box is shutdonw, you have to unplug the power).
Does not come with a remote you need to use an MCE compatible remote (does not work with any remote)
Fit only Micro ATX boards

Micro FUsion 350

Very nice and small (silver)

Again the LCD has a poor quality display and backlight is still an issue
The remote that comes with it is too small for my taste and I'm not sure you can use a Universal remote
Fit only Micro ATX boards
You can install low form factor extension cards
Thanks slash! I think I'm going to go for the 430.
Then if you install Ubunutu 8.10 you might need this Nod

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Antec Fusion Remote OR Antec Fusion 4300