xbmc alsa sound buffer issues

1. "Latest" is NOT a revision, of ANYTHING! (See below)
=> Rev: 17878
2. Linux Distribution and Version (eg. Ubuntu 8.04, Gentoo 2007.0-r1, etc)
=> Gentoo Base System release
3. Architecture (eg. i686, x86_64, etc. See below.)
=> x86_64
4. Install Method (PPA, RPM, build.sh, manual, other)
=> manual
5. SVN Revision (See below.)
=> Rev: 17878
6. Detailed Instructions to Reproduce the Problem (The more specific the better.)
=> start playing an video usually avi / mp3 / 48000Hz stereo s16 my audio queue in the details goes right away to 99% and after a certain amount of time my audio stops video keeps going for a bit then stops again and i get "CALSADirectSound::AddPackets - buffer underun (tried to write 1024 frames)" in the logs see below
7. FULL Debug Log (Please use your favorite paste site! See below.) << NOT OPTIONAL!
=> http://pastebin.com/m6787953f
8. Backtrace (Only attainable if XBMC has crashed. See below.)
=> no crash
9. Compiler Output (Only useful if XBMC doesn't build. See below.)
=> compiles fine

emerge --info >> http://pastebin.com/m51b9c2cc
kernel 2.6.28
alsa-lib 1.0.17a
AMD Athlon™ Dual Core Processor 4850e

mplayer playes same file fine. nothing in my .asoundrc
First of, welcome to the forums and thanx for a most perfect bugreport!

You could try this patch as it lowers the alsabuffer, although I´m not sure this is whats causing your issues, if the patch in the ticket works it would be great if you could try the one I mention and see if that helps aswell.

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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
thanks will try that tonight and see how it goes i see on that ticket u made a note saying that its better to add m_dwPacketSize = m_BufferSize / 10;
at line 236. is that still the case or?
Hope it works for you.

Well my comment is more of a "If the first patch works for you please revert and try this aswell, if the works it would be better, if not then something else needs to be done"

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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
yeah same issue. here is my debug log http://pastebin.com/m1c8ba629

should i even try the second patch?
Please do and say if it helped.
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
looks like the file has changed quite a bit in the new revisions and putting m_dwPacketSize = m_BufferSize / 10; @ line 236 gave an error during compile. anything else i should try?
yeah it has changed quite alot, actually even fixing the issue explained in that ticket.

So make reallyclean and revert any files and do
configure && make && make install
and XBMC should work!

disclaimer: make reallyclean will clean ALL so save any userdata in the svn dir before doing it

If you have problems please read this before posting

Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
hi, thx looks like same issue here is my debug log:


going to try with my onboard intel hd sound card if i can figure out the spdif over hdmi stuff Smile


here is another debug log of playing some 720p content ( dca audio / 48000Hz / 5.1 / s16 ) http://pastebin.com/m41e77acd
solved it seems to have been an issue with an improper modeline in my xorg.conf

removed the improper modeline and reconfigured with fglrx now everything is running smoothly

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xbmc alsa sound buffer issues0