Large Music Libraries
I was wondering if there is any (known) point where the number of tracks causes performance/usability problems. Does anyone use xbmc (xbox) with over 100-200k+ tracks?
xbox will have a problem with any more than about 50,000 as a guess.

The other platforms won't have a problem, though obviously just displaying huge lists is going to take a lot of time.
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I have over 500 artists and 3000 songs going through my xbox xbmc. I have no issues once they are scanned into the library. The only issue is the intial scan. It usually takes me 2 or 3 times to get all the songs into the library.
No offense but 3000 songs is a far cry from 100,000. Especially in programming. Depending on the algorithms used that kind of difference can be much greater than what seems like 33x.
Mine has 21,000 tracks in the Library with over 1400+ Complete albums and it doesn't have an issue at all.
kizer Wrote:Mine has 21,000 tracks in the Library with over 1400+ Complete albums and it doesn't have an issue at all.

I have also some trouble with 600 songs (54 folders) coming from NAS. When I read every album to a empty library, some folders are missing always from the scan and had to be scanned manually. I'll attach a debug log later...
dan1son Wrote:No offense but 3000 songs is a far cry from 100,000. Especially in programming. Depending on the algorithms used that kind of difference can be much greater than what seems like 33x.
when do you find time to listen to 100,000 tracks? thats just crazy i have roughley 3500 tracks and only play around half on a regular basis.
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Using a xbox and a pretty responsive NAS, I have about 50K tracks and apart from scanning (which takes about two days) and loading info from the database with the HTTP api I don't have any mentionable performance issues. But with clever coding and database design it shouldn't have to matter how much data is in the database...eventhough more then 100K audiofiles is crazy!!

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I know people that are approaching 500K+ Of course they are not using xbmc, but one guys goal is 1M
kizer Wrote:I know people that are approaching 500K+ Of course they are not using xbmc, but one guys goal is 1M
If that's the case he is a very sad greedy person as there aint enough hours in the day to listen to them and no doubt there all pirate copies
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox

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Large Music Libraries0