[MCE Remote] Setting up EventGhost for XBMC
There are a lot of great guides out there on setting up EventGhost to use the MCE remote in XBMC. In fact if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have it working period. I just want a consolidated thread for people that have problems at different stages (also for myself when I forget what I did in the future). I'm going to assume you have XBMC already installed. Also this is for this remote (will probably work for other versions of the MCE Remote)

MCE Remote

Step 1 - Install EventGhost


You'll need the latest version of EventGhost (could probably go with an older one but I know this one works). The version used currently is v0.3.6.1476

Step 2 - Install EventGhost's MCE Remote Plugin


Basically you'll download the plugin and put it into C:\Program Files\EventGhost\plugins

Step 3 - Download my config


Save it as keymaps.xml (any .xml will do)

I've predefined most of the important keys. There are some things that I've never had a need for in XBMC so I really don't have those keys defined but it is easy to set them. Most of them are obvious (arrow keys move around, fast foward will fast forward when playing a video, etc). Some of the less obvious ones are as follows

Power Button - Shows shutdown menu
Back Arrow - Goes to previous menu
Info - shows context menu or OSD when playing a video
Big Green Button - Open XBMC, Turns on the monitor if in power off state
Teletype (bottom most button) - Quits XBMC and sets monitor into power off state. Hit again and it will turn the monitor back on and opens XBMC
Blue Button - scans video library for new content

If you can't tell, I don't use XBMC for music

Step 4 - Setup EventGhost

Open EventGhost
Click on File -> Open
Browse to the keymaps.xml file and open it

If you want to further customize it, this is a great guide


Step 5 (Vista/Win7) - Force EventGhost to run at Startup as Administrator without UAC prompt

Because you have to disable hid for this to work, UAC will prompt you ever time you want to run it as an administrator. To work around this, make a scheduled task that runs at logon. Follow this guide.


So now everything should be ready. As a test, reboot your machine. Once it is back up, hit the big green button and (hopefully) XBMC will open.

Let me know if anything isn't right or not clear in this and I'll fix it.

Starting Eventghost as administrator via scheduled task doesn't seem to work in Vista 32 - I can see it running as a process in Task Manager, but it does not respond to the remote.

Thanks for everything else though!

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[MCE Remote] Setting up EventGhost for XBMC0