Multi Room Speakers
Hi all

Forget that - Searched and found the answers I needed!! Sorry.....

Apologies if this isn't clear - it is a little new to me.

I currently have xbmc setup in my lounge with a surround system. The majority of my content is stored on a PC in another part of the house. This works fine to stream video and music content to the lounge. However, there are times when I would like to play the same music in both rooms at the same time. Does anyone know how I could do this?

I thought I could perhaps setup a shoutcast server (or similar) on the PC, and then connect to the stream via XBMC? Not sure if that is possible or if the time delay would be noticable between rooms?

Any other ideas? I currently use Songbird for my music collection if that makes any difference.

Any help apreciated.


Welcome to the forums Smile

I know you have searched but I might aswell say that it should be possible via PulseAudio, it enforces you however to move to linux.

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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
The easy solution is to use something that's not XBMC to play the music. I'm not really clear on where your hardware and speakers are in these 2 rooms but it's fairly simple depending on your hardware. For example, I have my HTPC with a separate sound card in it plugged into my Onkyo 605:

- onboard sound: analog stereo to receiver
- Auzentech HDA XPlosion sound card: digital spdif to receiver

Then I have my 5.1 speakers in my HT room and stereo speakers run to a different room in the house. I just run foobar2000 in the background and this lets me watch 5.1 movies on XBMC while listening to audio through my Zone 2 speakers in the other room. If you don't have a receiver with Zone 2 audio then you'll have to use some kind of powered stereo speakers plugged directly into the PC but the concept is the same.

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