Library, file is no longer available
Hey guys,

I'm having a issue i have a video file that is 2 parts and i've named it


The nfo contains movie information since it couldnt be found scraped so i put manual xml stuff in there which works.
Now when i update my library on xbmc, and click on it i get error
This file is no longer available.
Would you like to remove it from the library?

The video files are fine, and when i right click on the library entry, and click show information, and click the play button from there, it works fine, but when its in the list with my other movies, i get that error

I have Jester version compiled on March 17, 2009

Any ideas why this is happening?


I tried letting it play for a few minutes when i clicked movie information, then stopped it and went back to list, now when i click it, it says "resume, or start from begining" whichever i click i go back to error, and when i click "select part" then same error
Already fixed in SVN. Update to 9.04 Beta 1, which you can find on

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jmarshall Wrote:Already fixed in SVN. Update to 9.04 Beta 1, which you can find on


Big thanks for the post, i updated and its fine!

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Library, file is no longer available0