Subtitles lines overlapping
The subtitles lines are one on top of the other.
Any ideas why is that?

This is a picture i took to help understand what is going on exactly.

Thanks in advance.
There's a lot of problems with .idx/.sub subtitles in Windows and Mac platforms but nobody has yet to tackle them...

See this post for more info :
[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]
Yep, anytime I need to use idx subtitles, I've just resorted to launching the external player where I've turned them on by default in MPC-HC and they work flawlessly. It's not the best solution, but I'm really glad we have an external player option now because I find myself using it more and more. The player on XBMC for Windows just isn't like it was on the old Xbox1 where it could handle any format you threw at it (HD aside of course).

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