buffer i/o error installing 9.04 to usb

I´m trying to install 9.04 live to a 4gb usb flash stick.

After it´s been formatted, the following is displayed:

installing GRUB
buffer i/o error dev fd0 sector 0

There´s no problem installing 8.10 live to the same usb stick.

What could be wrong?

Br, Daniel
I disabled floppy in BIOS, works to build USB installation now.

A bug?
I had the same problem when installing to HD. Disabled floppy in BIOS and it worked fine also (I dont have a floppy drive)
It would be the kernel change over anything else. Not really something we can do anything about.
Just thought I would add my own experience to the thread.

Just tried to install 9.04.1 and ran into the same I/O errors when installing GRUB. However when I went into the BIOS I had already disabled the floppy drive. So just messing around I enabled the floppy drive and set the device type to none and it worked.....
Just adding that this thread showed me the solution to the grub errors, turning off the legacy floppy support on my board.

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buffer i/o error installing 9.04 to usb0