[LINUX] XBMC doesn't start when HTPC hooked up to TV
Hi all,

I have tried to make XBMC Live work on my computer, but it just doesn't so I decided to install a full version of ubuntu and install XBMC there. When connected to a regular Acer monitor, everything works great. I set two additional commands to run at startup, including unclutter (gets rid of mouse pointer) and "xbmc" for autoboot.

I haven't yet tested sound, but as far as video, when the HTPC is hooked up to my monitor, everything works like I expect it to. However, once I hook it up to a 1080i Panasonic TV via HDMI, Ubuntu loads, the mouse disappears, but XBMC exits right away (I see the XBMC logo, then 1 second of XBMC's home screen). I would like to keep my setup as it is, mainly because I finally have suspend/resume working like a charm, but am dumbfounded as to why XBMC itself doesn't load where I need it to. I already tried setting 1080i resolution within XBMC before connecting to the TV, but the same thing happens.

From what I understand, I have to edit the xorg.conf file for display settings. Can somebody please suggest any workarounds for my problem?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I got the 1080i working by selecting 1920x1080 in resolution settings. Also disabled vertical sync.

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[LINUX] XBMC doesn't start when HTPC hooked up to TV0