XBMC fullscreen on extended display?
I have been running XBMC for a while now and love it!

I have windows 7 32bit installed and have zero issues with it. Everything works fine, no complaints at all, thank you to the developers!

The issue i have is that i have my PC connected to my TV via HDMI

My PC is the main display and the TV is extended display

I want to be able to use the PC while others are using XBMC.

how can i do this?

If i use XBMC windowed i can still use my PC and have the windowed XBMC on the TV but i cannot get it fullscreen.

How can i get XBMC full screen on the TV ONLY?

Many thanks for any help!
Use event ghost
I got it working without ultramon just by pressing alt and enter, simple


Now i have strange dashed line vertically on the left hand side

How do i fix this?

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XBMC fullscreen on extended display?0