I Cant show my movies from library filter by title... for waht???
Hi, iam new in XBMC. My english is very bad so i try explain the best i can.

I search this forum, the manual, wiki, google, spanish forums, but i dont find answers for my problem.

Ok. First: My Operating System is Vista. I have installed the XBMCSetup-Rev21714.exe.

My problem with xbmc is with the library and his predefined filters (title, actor, year, genre, etc). When i add a source and search for content, using filmaffinity spanish scraper all works fine. The films information is find and in the file view all is ok.

But, when i active the library mode and select "Films --> Title", XBMC only list the first movie added. I actualice the database but the problem persist. If I search by genre, by year, by actor... the corresponding film is find by the library, but if i select search my movie library by "title" the results no corresponding with the real titles searched previously.

I try use diferents XBMC, the oficial, the jester version... but I do not manage to add movies to the library and that these should appear on having searched for title.

Where is the problem!

Best regards.
So you're saying that you can see all your movies if you go through "Genres" or "Years", but only see one movie when you go through "Titles" ?

If so, do you happen to have a filter engaged (see the buttons on the left).

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Sorry, but in the buttons on the left "filter" is inactive and empty. I add to library Bambi, Bambi 2, Beowulf, Blancanieves (SnowWhite) and BraveHeart.

Ok. If, for example, in library I look by genre --> Animation, xbmc show bambi, bambi 2 and blancanieves. Fine. If i look by year--> 2007, the library works fine and show Beowulf.

In other words. Library have the correct years of all movies I added, the correct genres, the correct actors... And if I look by genre, actor, year, the library show correct the movies from database. But, if select show movies by title, only show one...

And I have disablet the filter button in the left panel... help...
manchonder, please stop crossposting and bumping threads. this won't get you any better answers. Just give it a bit time.
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ok, sorry...
Can you enable debug logging in settings->system and re-run the library scan? put the logfile then onto pastebin.com and show us the url here. have a look at the links in my signature, they will guide you through.
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Ok... Ok, if I have done correctly, this is the log


I added a new source for videofiles and y activated autoscan from library. XBMC.

XBMC has found the information of the films, but is only visible in the file section. In the Library section has not added anything, not actors, or genre, or year, or title. I thought that if it did ... but have not updated anything.

I use the scraper to filmaffinity.xml. And I make this test done by uninstalling the old and installing XBMC BABYLON 9.04 ...

I love XBMC and desire to achieve it to work well. So I'm asking for help.

Thanks in advance
Hi, I have been looking all morning under the issue. I noticed the following:

When I do a new installation, the database is empty and the library has never been activated. I choose a source movie, set filmaffinity(spanish) scramper and movies you want, either manually or automatically.

When finished, the active library and all the filters work (title, genre, year, actor, etc.).. This only works well the first time.

If, after turning on the library for the first time, I add movies, new and do not appear correctly on the filters per year, genre, title, etc..

In SQLiteSpy I noticed that the database contains all the movies are loaded, ie the information is stored well, but certainly not the library or access to it.

Here is a log after executing the following:
- Start the xbmc.
- Go to videos
- Switch to view library
- Filter movies by title
- Filter by genre films
- Sort movies by year
- Filter by movie actor
- Filter by movie title.

Log: http://pastebin.com/m647c2fff Nerd
According to the log, the first time you went to Titles (videodb://1/2/) it retrieved 8 items (9 with the parent folder item).

The last time you went it also retrieved 8 items (9 with the parent folder item).

Is this not what you saw?

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No, no show 8 elements. I installed the xbmc XBMCSetup-Rev21652 in other pc with vista and works fine, correctly.

I restarted my pc with norton ghost for a clear new installation wiht same XBMCSetup-Rev21652. But in my pc dont work fine... and also, in program's section, in my pc always xbmc have an "SVN Repo Intaller's" error:

Phyton Script failed: special://home/plugin/progams/SVN Repo Installer/default.py.

In the other pc this not ocurr, in the other pc program's section works ok, library works ok, but in my pc no... aaargh!

I dont know what can i do... I love xbmc but I can't make it works in my pc...

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I Cant show my movies from library filter by title... for waht???0