some episodes won't scan into library
Hi all,

I have quite a few tv shows that have been imported into xbmc successfully using thetvdb scraper.

I do however have a few that just refuse to scan, half the season or show seams to scan in then the rest don't even though they follow exactly the same file naming convention.

I have checked that these episodes exist on thetvdb and they do and would have for quite a while.

Can anyone help me out as to why this might be happenning. The example I have provided is for ugly betty.

For season 1 xbmc scans eps 1-8 fine but misses the rest (9-12).

Please provide a debug log with a scan that fails. You might want to delete the series from your db - then activate debug logging, restart xbmc and do a fresh scan of that show with logging enabled. Thanks.
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hmm, just tried to delete it then do a library clean and somehow that made me lose all my video library so will have to import them all again and then let you know
worth checking the thread at also - me and a few others have had similar problems.

from what i could see, the only time i had problems was when i had used MIB to add some .nfo files, this caused weirdness.. if i deleted all the .nfo files and just let xbmc take care of all the scraping it worked perfectly.

there are debug logs of the process from a few other people in that thread also.
Ok doing a litte more digging I see that the episodes are actually being scanned into the library, which I can see from the logs. Also if i look at the season view of the show (ugly betty) where it has all seasons, season 1, etc

If i select season 1 it says 12 episodes however when I go into season 1 there is only 8 episodes showing (this is in library mode the entire time).
you have hide watched enabled by any chance?
No I didnt.

I found after I changed out of transparency and to pm3 the episodes showed so I'm guessing something weird was going on with transparency.

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some episodes won't scan into library0