Date based scrapes
Hey guys
I have been searching the forum and the web for a day or so now. I have just set up XBMC on an old lappy and plugged in a remote. Everything is working beutifully.

However i have 2 problems
1 being my episodes of "The Daily Show" which doesnt seem to work since they are in a number format. I have found numerous posts on the subject which differ from saying its fixed and i have to "enable date based scraping from tvdb" to "its not possible, you have to rename"
I cant find the enable thing and renaming seems like a lot of work for 20 mins 4 days a week.

The other problem is that i have bad taste and thus have episodes of "The Sarah Silverman Program" a show so horribly bad (appereantly) that no one has bothered to fill in the season 3 episodes at tvdb. Now thats not really the problem. The problem is it doesnt add episodes to the libary if it doesnt reconize them. In these cases i would love for it just to display the files in the folder, afterall it has figured out what show.
The same thing bugs me for those very local tv shows which arent listed in international databases.

Can anyone help me on these two subjects?

Also which skin do you recommend for low resolution TVs? The default one is doing okay but theres a degree of scrolling involved Smile
asg0noir Wrote:The other problem is that i have bad taste and thus have episodes of "The Sarah Silverman Program" a show so horribly bad (appereantly) that no one has bothered to fill in the season 3 episodes at tvdb. Now thats not really the problem. The problem is it doesnt add episodes to the libary if it doesnt reconize them. In these cases i would love for it just to display the files in the folder, afterall it has figured out what show.

Not currently possible, why not add it to thetvdb yourself?
I use a program TV Renamer.. it automatically will rename the shows based on how they are listed on an online database (usually thetvdb)... makes scrapping a lot easier..
Numus Wrote:I use a program TV Renamer.. it automatically will rename the shows based on how they are listed on an online database (usually thetvdb)... makes scrapping a lot easier..

could you provide a link for that?
Works incredibly well
Numus Wrote:
Works incredibly well

i cant seem to get it working for date based. The author last wrote about it in February.

There doesnt seem to be a function to detect date based episodes.
spiff Wrote:see
I can see it was commited to the SVN 3 months ago but the feature doesnt seem to have made it into any of the current binaries.

Is the solution for me here to compile it myself or are there binaries of certain SVN builds aswell?
i second tvrenamer, best tool for the job... also adding to thetvdb would be appreciated instead of complaining. just my 2 cents...
mason Wrote:i second tvrenamer, best tool for the job... also adding to thetvdb would be appreciated instead of complaining. just my 2 cents...
TV renamer doesnt seem to reconize the files when they are with dates (no regex for it)

And i wasnt complaining i was mearly seeking a solution for those very local tv shows which can only be accessed through filemanager.
As for Sarahs program it was mearly a case of either TVDB or the release group mistaking on the seasons (tvdb doesnt call it season 3, where as the release group does. The same confusion happens with Family Guy and Mythbusters where odd air scheduling confuses the viewers Smile )
i said READ the ticket, not briefly skip through it.
Regarding the original poster's suggestion of allowing the addition of the episodes regardless of acquisition info from the web. I would also like to see this as well I posted about it sometime ago here:

There is also a post by the god among men, Gamester17. He has some other suggestions which you might find interesting as well. I didn't open a trac ticket for this idea because I didn't think many users were interested in it. Personally I think it would remove a lot of confusion over what is going wrong when scraping videos, of which I was a victim. I might just open a trac based on that benefit.

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