Skip forward doesn't work as expected when playing from a slow media (DVD)
Hello all, this is my first post in XBMC community.

I'm a newbie to XBMC. I used MythTV before, with mplayer as external video player.
Let's jump to the problem: I have movies (XVID) on a DVD-Data.
With mplayer I was able to jump, jump, jump at 1 minutes interval very quickly and position myself wherever I wanted in the movie.
With XBMC, it seems like every time when I press right arrow to jump, instead of just jumping to that timeline, it will read from the DVD all the data until that point and then show the image (meanwhile it will display Paused). Let's not talk about what happens when I press Up arrow... Also, the image is not displayed like it should (it will form itself over 5 seconds or so from update chunks).
Is it a know bug? Please give me the bug number in Trac to be able to track it.

I don't have this problem with DVD-Videos or when the same movies(XVIDs) are on HDD instead of DVD (as DVD-Data).

To reduce it to less words: instead of jumping directly to the spot and display, it seems it is sequentially reading and display when it located the spot where it had to jump. The problem is seen on slow media.

Thanks for anyone helping.
Please ask questions if I was unclear, I'll do my best to provide all info needed.

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Skip forward doesn't work as expected when playing from a slow media (DVD)0