Occasional Judder?
I read the post on posting useful problems but I really don't have a log to post here so much as just a question.

When playing any type of content - Whether it be VDPAU or SD (upscale off or on) I seem to be seeing just some random, occasional slowdowns just for a second or two -- No audio loss, just some moments where the picture seems to slow down slightly. It's not a CPU limitation but has to be something with the graphics setup. No frames are being dropped according to statistics. And it's not coinciding with a very busy scene either. My rig easily passes the killasampla test and all that.

Is there a way to get rid of this? It's sort of annoying. Oh, and when I replay the videos that are causing it, it DOES do it at the same place, so it must be something as far as the video that causes it.

Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I'm using latest SVN on Ubuntu on a Mac Mini Nvidia, HDMI out to an Onkyo SR607, then from the Onkyo, out to a TV or projector via HDMI. 1080p.

I noticed judder very similar to this using r22528, but I hadn't noticed it in previous revisions. For me this judder appears to be related to using the video syncing features with the option set to audio clock. If you watch the video stream details you can see the sync and error %s jumping around a lot using that option. Adjusting it to Video Clock (drop/dupe audio) resolved the judder for me but caused the audio to click every now and then as it lost sync. I'm not a fan of resampling audio so I didn't try that method in-depth, but I seem to recall it still juddering. I just shut off the syncing for the time-being and everything seems to be good for me. Give it a try and see if that helps.
I'll shut if off totally and see what happens. I did have it set to video clock already so it may not be related. But we'll see. It's always something. Wink
I have been having this issue to with my latest build. The audio is totally fine but the video almost looks like it slows down for a second and then catches back up. CPU usage is low and now frames are being dropped. I have messed with the sync but none of the options have produced perfect playback. I usually leave the sync feature off.
I rebuild last night with r23249 and the juttering/shuttering is all but gone
I think this could be related to playing 23.976 fps material in 24 fps. This means that every 41.67 seconds there will be a short delay because the frame rates doesn't match up exactly. Check if that is the case...

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Occasional Judder?0