ASS subtitle coloring wrong with VDPAU
I'm running XBMC on an IONITX-B-E and decided to move from Babylon to the latest PPA build available (r23164) to see how the ASS rendering on VDPAU was working. However, when I did so, I noticed that the coloring was off on colored portions. Everything that has a color command seems to be tinted blue and subs that are supposed to be red are entirely blue. I'm not sure how to take a screenshot in XBMC, but I took one in a Windows DirectShow player, which can be seen here. The red "C" is correct in that screenshot, but is showing up in blue in XBMC when VDPAU is used, subs that are supposed to be brown are appearing as an aqua color, etc. The weird thing is that these subtitles show up colored correctly if I switch to software rendering, but then I lose GPU acceleration, which with an Atom CPU, I kind of need. Has anybody else seen anything like this happen, by any chance? I searched, but I couldn't find anything, so hopefully this hasn't been talked to death already.

I created a debug log, in case there's something useful that shows up there:

As far as environment goes, I'm running this on a fully up-to-date (as of about 20 minutes ago) Ubuntu Jaunty with ALSA 1.0.20 installed over the ALSA version Jaunty has using the script on the Ubuntu forums.

Edit: I forgot my graphics drivers. I'm using the 185.18.36 drivers from the official NVIDIA installer. I had it compile the kernel modules, as it couldn't find any pre-compiled ones.
It's a simple fix, but are you sure that the ones when using vdpau is the ones that are wrong?
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Yeah. The red in that video is thematically correct, so I did some checking and it turns out that SSA subtitle colors are 24-bit BGR, not RGB, which would explain the coloring issue I was seeing. I extracted the subtitle file from the video in the screenshot and pulled that line from it:

Dialogue: 7,0:00:09.82,0:00:13.24,Logo,,0000,0000,0000,,{\fad(500,500)\be1\blur2\pos(419,333)}When the Seagulls {\c&H423DFF&}C{\c&HFFFFFF&}ry

If you put 423DFF in an HTML color wheel, you get the same blue you get with the VDPAU subtitle renderer, but if you put in FF3D42, you get the red it's supposed to be.
SSA is weird like that. This was also a bug in the original SSA/ASS implementation in XBMC.
Subtitles - Serious Business
I hope nobody minds, but I created a ticket on Trac for it. I also created a quick sample file with an H.264 stream and ASS subs in a Matroska container to demonstrate this that I attached to the ticket.
Neat, nice work Kreeblah. I enjoy seeing more support for ASS/SSA in XBMC as many of my videos use these subtitles.
So you got ASS subtitles to show up in XBMC with vdpau enabled?? I ask this because all I get is mostly garbage looking text while sometimes rarely showing the subs. Did you have to change something while compiling or a setting within XBMC?? Or did it just work for you with everything normal. I would like to know so that I can get it to show for me. I could care less if the colors are right, I probably wouldn't notice. Although having the correct colors is good to have.
I looked over the code, and while i can change the color order for vdpau.. I can't for my life figure out how this can differ from the old software version. Do any of you have a sample the shows the difference?
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Turned out the color for the old renderer was also slightly wrong, which caused me to miss the correct way.

Anyway fixed in r23335
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Oh, awesome. Thank you very much for looking into this! I hadn't noticed the problem with the old renderer, so thanks for taking care of that, too. I'll look forward to the next SVN build. Smile
damn still not working for me. Well at least I know when I get it to work someday the colors will be right.
almostalive Wrote:damn still not working for me. Well at least I know when I get it to work someday the colors will be right.

@almostalive :


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ASS subtitle coloring wrong with VDPAU0