[LIVE] Cannot run or install to USB
Hi guys, complete noob to this. I have xbmc on my old xbox and love it. Now want to use an old pc upstairs as a media player and I cannot even get close.

I have downloaded and burned the live CD. I can get the initial menu up, but then it all goes wrong. If I try and install, my usb stick is detected (I've tried two, both of which work fine elsewhere) but when trying to copy files I just get "error copying file... check your media" errors and it fails. If I try and run XBMC from the cd (after picking option 2 for ATI), it gets a fair distance and the screen then goes blank or in some cases, it has a mess of garbage on the screen, totally unreadable.

Hardware is:
AMD Athlon 1666Mhz
Graphics card is AGP ATI Radeon 9600

The pc until recently was running Windows XP very happily.

I've tried to follow a few things on here, but to be honest I'm floundering. I'm happy poking around and editing things, but I don't know what to start editing or, more importantly, how! I'm much more of a windows platform bunny, I'm afraid, so this is all a bit alien to me. I want to avoid doing a windows install as I want this to be a pure media player and I don't want my daughters using it sneakily as a pc too!
bump... anyone got any helpful advice please guys?

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[LIVE] Cannot run or install to USB0