Option to hide specific folders/files?
is there currently any way to hide directories from xbmc? for example, i have a folder called '.covers' in one of my movies directories and i wish to have xbmc not list it.

i don't believe this feature exists, but i just wanted to make sure i'm not overlooking something before i add it as a feature request. i would think either it should look at the 'hidden' flag (ala windows), or hide anything starting with a '.' (ala unix).


why don't you use the database views?

(likely answer: because they're not sophisticated enough)
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i do use the database views occasionally, but i find that i use subdirs to group certain types of videos which the views don't support (ie, recorded from tv vs movies are in separate dir trees. i also have a 'kids' tree with content for the kids). also i have a fairly large movie list and i find that i typically sort by date of file so that i can watch what i've added most recently.

i'm constantly bumping into my '.covers' and '.subtitles' directories as i'm traversing the subdirs. it should be a simple change to filter out hidden dirs... i just wasnt sure if there was already a feature to do so and that i just was missing it somehow. i can probably code it up myself, but then last time i tried to compile xbmc myself i ran into a long list of problems and i finally ended up removing the sdk from my system altogether.

yup - as you say, it should be trivial to code it up. you just have to filter them out after getdirectory() - likely in the update() method.

our plan is that the cfileitemlist class would handle all this filtering etc. as there is a fair amount done already, and it'd be nice to clean it up into one class that handles it all. currently, all the cfileitemlist class does is deallocate a vector of cfileitem's.

ofcourse, just hacking it in to update() as is likely done with the stacking stuff would do the trick, except it'd be heaps easier.

unfortunately, when anything like this is implemented, it is invariably required to be optional via the gui (which is already choked with settings :p )

good luck!

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wrong forum, moving to the feature suggestion forum (please read the faq and forum rules which state to read faq before posting)
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Option to hide specific folders/files?0