can't add specific folder on usb drive as source
I have searched high and low for a solution to my problem with no luck.
I have found threads on problems with xbmc live not mounting usb drives but I don't have that problem.

I can see the drive fine and browse it in the file manager, but It does not show up in the list of sources when I go to add a new source for videos. I get:
-dvd drive
-hdhomerun devices (don't even know what that is)
-home folder
-replaytv devices
-sap streams
-upnp devices
-video playlists
-windows network(smb)

I don't even need any of these as all my media is on the one external WD MyBook drive. I have a feeling I am missing something very obvious, so If you could help out I would greatly appreciate it.


I should probably state what I'm running, I just bought an Acer Revo1600 and followed the lifehacker tutorial to set it up
so Im running 9.04.1 r20654 with the mediastream skin

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can't add specific folder on usb drive as source0