[LINUX] XBMC, standalone and irxevent?

Like many others I have recently bought the Asrock ION 330. Last time I played around with XBMC was on the old Xbox, and I must say that it has changed since then. To the better indeed!

I am now running Ubunty 9.04 with XBMC only (standalone I guess?).

Anyhow - I have a RF Remote controller which is incredible sensitive. Whenever I press a button, at least 8 "keypresses" gets sent off.

Playing around with the advancedsettings option 'remoterepeat' does not do the trick for me. It just makes the remote even more annoying.

The problem is that when I press i.e. "Left" a few times quickly, the marker goes one step the first click, no steps the next click and 4-5 steps on the third click. If I hold down the button on the third click, the marker will go all crazy as if it is in repeat mode at that time.

I have tried playing around with .lircrc and irexec, and have come up with a combination of delay and repeat that seems to work good for me.

Now for the big question... Is it possible to set up XBMC Standalone to react according to the inputs given through irxevent?

And if yes - how do I start irxevent when XBMC loads up? None of the "normal" ways of auto starting X programs I have tried are working.


After a fair bit of further reading, I stumbed upon EventServer and read on the Wiki page that it can handle events sent from LIRC.

Can I combine LIRC with EventServer in a way, so LIRC controls repeat/delay values and send events to EventServer? Tried searching for something like that, but so far without luck (maybe I don't know exactly what to search for).

The only keys I need to control for now is UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. The rest I can live with being super responsive.
crax Wrote:Bump

After a fair bit of further reading, I stumbed upon EventServer and read on the Wiki page that it can handle events sent from LIRC.

Can I combine LIRC with EventServer in a way, so LIRC controls repeat/delay values and send events to EventServer? Tried searching for something like that, but so far without luck (maybe I don't know exactly what to search for).

The only keys I need to control for now is UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. The rest I can live with being super responsive.

why dont you try re-recording your lirc remote control mapping using irrecord ?

killall lircd
irrecord newlircremote.conf  --device=/dev/lirc0
should get you started. Maybe the delays and gaps aren't correct. Also the remoterepeat isn't the right place for that.
I've tried nearly all possible way of creating a new remote config file, with the same results as described above.

However, I have now solved my issue.

I created a .lircrc file with the following:

remote = Medion
button = UP
prog = irexec
repeat = 5
delay = 5
config = curl -o /dev/null http://localhost:8080/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?...ion%283%29 2>/dev/null

One of those begin--end sections for each button (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT). The config parameter makes curl fire off a command to the HTTPAPI with the ?command=Action(n) where n is the number of the action to issue (as described in Key.h) (UP=3, DOWN=4, LEFT=1 and RIGHT=2)

The repeat/delay options is the values I have found to suit me best.

I then start up irexec with /etc/rc.local:
irexec --daemon /home/xbmc/.lircrc

It may not be the most elegant solution, but it solves my issue, which for my part is the most important thing right now Big Grin

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[LINUX] XBMC, standalone and irxevent?0