9.11Beta1: No auto thumbnails generated
I've fixed the issue for me by adding the following method to Network.cpp:

bool CNetwork::HasInterfaceForIP(unsigned long address)
   unsigned long subnet;
   unsigned long local;
   vector<CNetworkInterface*>& ifaces = GetInterfaceList();
   vector<CNetworkInterface*>::const_iterator iter = ifaces.begin();
   while (iter != ifaces.end())
      CNetworkInterface* iface = *iter;
      if (iface && iface->IsConnected())
         subnet = ntohl(inet_addr(iface->GetCurrentNetmask()));
         local = ntohl(inet_addr(iface->GetCurrentIPAddress()));
         if( (address & subnet) == (local & subnet) )
            return true;

   return false;

And in Util.cpp in IsOnLAN() I changed the last check of the address to:
// check if we are on the local subnet
   if (!g_application.getNetwork().GetFirstConnectedInterface())
      return false;
   if (g_application.getNetwork().HasInterfaceForIP(address))
      return true;

Then the thumbnails will successfully show up in files mode. The other issue in library mode that occurs since the thumbnail method is called with the videodb:// url still remains.
Best would be when you would open two tickets for the reported issues and post a diff there. But I would like to keep the changes in NetworkWin32 rather than expand it for every port. Additional I think it would be better to fix IsConnected() rather than introducing a work around.
What do you think?

The more I think about this the more your solution sounds plausible for me. Anyway please open a ticket I'll would like to discuss it with the other devs.
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WiSo Wrote:Best would be when you would open two tickets for the reported issues and post a diff there. But I would like to keep the changes in NetworkWin32 rather than expand it for every port. Additional I think it would be better to fix IsConnected() rather than introducing a work around.
What do you think?

The more I think about this the more your solution sounds plausible for me. Anyway please open a ticket I'll would like to discuss it with the other devs.

Yeah, I first thought about adding it into IsOnLAN() using GetInterfaceList() and then doing the iteration there. But when I saw GetFirstConnectedInterface() which is very similar I decided to move the function to Network.cpp.

I've opened a ticket with the patch for the interfaces issue and another one for the thumbnail issue in library mode.
Good to see svn 25307 and later correct this...

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9.11Beta1: No auto thumbnails generated0