Webserver, memoryproblem?

:bowdown: to all developers!

i use oct.02 version of xbmc, and i have a strange problem:

if i use the web interface to play music (mp3), and then view pictures, the pictures shows for half a sec and i get the "not enough available memory to load pictures" message.

but, if i use the remote to view the pictures with the music still playing they display as usual.

no biggie, but annoying  :-)  

some problem with web pages code?

i fixed the queue function in mobile web interface (pda) by the way ;-)

maybe this is fixed already:
[2022] 05-10-04 fixed: "out of memory error" switching between pictures/slideshow sf bug [1039240]

please test and report. Smile
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... and the 2004/10/8 version fixed it ;-)



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