ClearArt on multiple drives with TV Shows
First and foremost....I want to thank you Ronie for creating such an amazing skin. I have generally shied away from anything that wasn't Aeon based and like many others, tweaked the hell of out it until I got it just right. So it's not without a lot of consideration that I choose to switch over. That being said, Transparency is just way too sexy to ignore so I would like to pursue it! here is my question. From my Aeon skin, i have been using ClearArt for my TV shows and really enjoyed investing time to make them for all of my shows. In Aeon, you store the ClearArt in the media folder of the skin, but with Transparency you are required to store them physically in the folder where the TV show is located. That would be fine, but the problem I have run into is that you also require a path to be set where my TV shows reside. At the moment, I have four separate drives (networked) that have TVShow folders (with lots of series inside).

Is there some way to have more than one TV show path in Transparency? If not then I think it will be a show stopper for me.

Again, many many thanks for all the excellent work Ronie!!!!
until (if ever) xbmc natively supports clearArt, it will never work 100% for everybody.
both Aeon as well as Transparency! are using workarounds to make it possible...and workarounds will never be perfect.

the easiest way for you would be to edit the Includes_Workarounds.xml file and make it behave the same way Aeon does.

find this line (2x):

and replace it with:
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Hi Ronie!!! Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I did try your solution but did not seem to work for me. I modified both instances of the code in Includes_Workarounds.xml, but did not see my clearArt. I tried copying my clearArt folder in the Media folder of transparency (this is where it's stored in Aeon). Then I thought I would try copying a single instance of a clearArt into the folder for my Family Guy episodes. In both cases, the clearArt failed to display.

Unless I've missed something, it does not appear to work.

Thank you again for your help!!!!
if you post a Debug Log, i might be able to figure out what's going wrong.
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I found a way:

Change line 299 in dialogseekbar.xml, this line I have bolded:
Quote:<control type="group">
<include condition="!Skin.HasSetting(SafeMode)">clearart-dialogseekbar</include>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<visible>Player.Paused + [!Skin.HasSetting(ClearArt) | IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(7014))] + VideoPlayer.Content(Episodes) + Window.IsVisible(2005) + !Window.IsVisible(142) + !Window.IsVisible(2901)</visible>



Now you don't have to check any options or anything just swap those lines and you're good to go
Hey Mcborzu....thanks so much for the pointer to the code and the solution! It's working really well now. This makes it work just like Aeon, I've simply copied my clearart folder into the media folder of the transparency skin and voila....all of my clearart is working again!

Thanks a ton for this!!!

And Ronie, thanks for the offer to help, but it looks like this solution is going to work for me....keep up the great work and Happy New Year to all!
Tuckerdude Wrote:And Ronie, thanks for the offer to help, but it looks like this solution is going to work for me....

whatever works for you is fine with me ;-)
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It should also be pointed out that for this fix to work you need to have your clearart folder containing folder names that match the show names in XBMC.

eg: \clearart\House\clearart.png

NOT : \cleart\House.png

I learnt this the hard way. Smile

Cheers mcborzu, works a treat!

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ClearArt on multiple drives with TV Shows0