CystalHD, worth getting one for desktop?
It seems this is likely to be the only way of getting stable hardware acceleration for xbmc in windows...

I have a Gigabyte board, with 780g chipset (ATI HD3200 graphics), and as far as I know, no way of utilising the boards hd playback potential for mkv.

The only way I can tell of improving picture quality is with the use of external players, i.e., MPC HC & CoreAVC... but I would imagine you then lose MCE remote funcitonsHuh?

Ive seen the CrystalHD for around £15 and wondered if it would be worth it.. and also, how to install in desktop pc, as I only have one full pcie slot, and 3 pci slots.. Is there a bracket with backplate, or some form of adapter available to allow for secure fitting in a desktop system??
i (currently) use zoomplayer with madVR and Reclock. superb quality.

i use it with a ps3 remote. couldnt be happier!
There's also the build of XBMC with DSPlayer. It's extremely beta, but all software starts out beta.

At present, you are correct, CrystalHD is the only way to get "stable" hardware support in Windows without using an external player.
I won't call it stable on Windows since none of the devs tested it on win32 (no hw). It is reported to somehow work in GL but DX won't work yet afaik.
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hmmm.. may just stick with mediaportal, at least I can enable cuda support in CoreAVC...
Spend the £15 and help the XBMC community by debugging.

Or send a dev one Smile
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I ordered one of these for myself, in retrospect, I should have just sent it to the devs since it will be far more useful in their hands than mine, that being said, when I get mine, I'll be happy to help out in whatever way I can. know, by posting one line messages that say "XBMC doesn't work." and refusing to post debug logs.

nathanjones Wrote:i ordered one of these for myself, in retrospect, i should have just sent it to the devs since it will be far more useful in their hands than mine, that being said, when i get mine, i'll be happy to help out in whatever way i can. know, by posting one line messages that say "xbmc doesn't work." and refusing to post debug logs.


hahaha, lol.
In all seriousness, assuming my car doesn't blow-up in the next couple weeks, and I get my bonus, would ordering one off ebay and sending it to a dev (I don't know which one, perhaps it could be decided by a gladiator-style fight to the death?) be an option, or do the devs require one ordered from a more reputable location (let's say, NOT China).

Don't hold me to that or anything...but just wondering.
nathanjones Wrote:In all seriousness, assuming my car doesn't blow-up in the next couple weeks, and I get my bonus, would ordering one off ebay and sending it to a dev (I don't know which one, perhaps it could be decided by a gladiator-style fight to the death?) be an option, or do the devs require one ordered from a more reputable location (let's say, NOT China).

Don't hold me to that or anything...but just wondering.
Was wondering the same. Buy one off ebay and have it sent to a dev.

By the way, does this properly support VC-1 interlaced content?
I for one would accept one (bastard I ordered off ebay didn't deliver). Unfortunately I doubt I'd be all that much use in doing stuff on windows though, as the only machines I have that would take it don't have windows on them. I'd get to show it off at in 3 weeks though (assuming the slowboat from China arrived in time)

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Well, I refuse to donate a piece of hardware to Linux development! It's a socialist operating system that is trying to indoctrinate our children into... I really don't know. Smile jk of course.

My 2nd HTPC was to run on Linux, and it's an ION, so it's got VDPAU going for it...except that my TV spits out rediculous EDID information which really gums up the linux nvidia driver. As such, I'm running Windows on there now with MPC-HC as an external player on the DSplayer branch. So I figured why not confuse the situation even more by getting one of these cards.

Maybe what I'll do is in a couple weeks, see what the situation is, and I can maybe get a card to a linux developer and a windows developer. Again, no's not that it's a lot of money, it's that my wife has the Paypal account, and it's convincing her that spending money on a bunch of people I don't know is a valid way to spend the money (as opposed to, oh, I don't know, putting it towards my kids education Smile) I can't program in C++ worth crap, but maybe I can help out some other way.
nathanjones Wrote:Well, I refuse to donate a piece of hardware to Linux development!

lol, i just made a donation and i demand it will not be spent on anything that's even vaguely related to development on M$ platforms. ;-)

anyways, it should allow a few of you to get your hands on that crystal hd thingie.
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CystalHD, worth getting one for desktop?0