Custom Pixel Ratio as default for all 4:3 & 16:9 content?
Here's my situation: I have an older projector that is native 4:3 ratio, but allows for a 'squished' 16:9 format (XBMC still sees it as 1024x768). My screen/room size dictates that I keep it in this 'squished' mode.

What that means is every time I watch 16:9 content (most often it's 16:9), I have to set it to 'stretch 4:3'. And every time I watch 4:3 content I have to 'pinch' in the pixel ratio to get a normal looking 4:3 image on my screen.

Is there a way to set the default pixel ratio for 16:9 and 4:3 content so that it just displays the way I want it without messing with it every time I start a video?

Settings->System->Video Options->Screen Calibration - alter the square to be... square.
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See what happens when you make configuration too easy, it confuses me & I go off looking for some setting in an xml file Rolleyes


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Custom Pixel Ratio as default for all 4:3 & 16:9 content?0