Build Custom TV Show Scraper and TV Shows Database Website to scrape?
Hi There

I have been having a heck of a time getting the built in scraper to work on my TV Shows. It works great on Movies, just not TV.

I'm wondering how easy/difficult it would be to build a custom scraper for XBMC.

I just purchased a new domain name and am considering building my own database that serves up XML details for TV shows.

Not necessarily like this (havent thought this far ahead yet) but here's my idea.

[HTML]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Title>The Big Bang Theory</Title>
<Synopsis>A woman who moves into an apartment next door to two brilliant but socially awkward physicists shows them how little they know about life outside of the laboratory. </Synopsis>
<Season Value="1">
<Episode Value="1">
<Date>24 September 2007</Date>
<Synopsis>A pair of brilliant theoretical physicists meet a woman who shows them how little they know about the real world.</Synopsis>
<Episode Value="2">
<Date>1 October 2007</Date>
<Title>The Big Bran Hypothesis</Title>
<Synopsis>Penny is furious and more than a little freaked out with Leonard and Sheldon when they sneak into her apartment overnight, and clean it while she is sleeping.</Synopsis>

I'm ok with you guys telling me that this is a dumb idea... I'm just searching for a better solution for my TV Shows.
PS: seems to be doing the best job of all of them.

My folder structure is as follows

Quote:TV Shows
----Show One
----------Show One Season One
--------------------Show One 1x01 - Show Title
--------------------Show One 2x01 - Show Title
--------------------Show One 3x01 - Show Title
----------Show One Season Two
--------------------Show Two 1x02 - Show Title
--------------------Show Two 2x02 - Show Title
--------------------Show Two 3x02 - Show Title
----Show Two
----------Show Two Season One
--------------------Show Two 1x01 - Show Title
--------------------Show Two 2x01 - Show Title
--------------------Show Two 3x01 - Show Title

Is there a better way of doing this?
We could guess for 6-7pgs worth of posts or you could pastebin a debug log of a scan.
Not bitching about not being able to get it to work. I'm actually more concerned about the idea of building a custom scraper. Good for experience.

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Build Custom TV Show Scraper and TV Shows Database Website to scrape?0