Can XBMC/ALSA use HDMI audio + SPDIF at the same time?
maybe this asound.conf helps you guys...worth a try.
fidoboy Wrote:You are wrong arielgr, my external receiver (conected using the optical wire) is 5.1 and it works using the .asoundrc above. You must set the passtrhough to iec958 and the other one to custom to get this working.

Sorry, I was probably not clear on what I am trying to do - I would like to pass through an AC3 stream to my receiver, but downmix it to 2 channels for my TV - in case we want to watch a film without the receiver.

If I set passthrough to iec958, no passthrough will be made at all to the TV, and if I use passthrough to Both (I think it's something like plug:both - depending on your asound configuration) - the AC3 does passthrough to both receiver and TV, but the TV does not support the signal - I just get white noise.
If you switch to "analog" you will not get the white noise. But the problem is that you still get Line Out Audio from one channel.

Still looking for some help.
I'm really interested in a similar setup. I would like all audio downmixed to 2 channels through the line out (Not HDMI) and AC3 passed through SPDIF plus PCM for other formats.

MOVIE.mkv (AC3 Encoded Audio)
--> Downmix 2.0 --> LINE OUT
AC3 Audio -<
                 --> Passthrough --> SPDIF

MOVIE.mkv (Mp3, DTS, etc.)
--> Downmix 2.0 --> LINE OUT
Audio -<
            --> PCM 2.0/4.0/5.1 --> SPDIF

If anyone has some advice on how to achieve this I would appreciate it. Sadly my current receiver can only decode AC3 and PCM which slightly complicates things since DTS must be decoded by XBMC. It might be easier to simply have XBMC decode AC3 and all and output it all as PCM 5.1?

EDIT: So it would seem this type of configuration is impossible as XBMC only supports one audio output type at a time (ie: no digital and analog). The only possible solution would be to set XBMC to digital and a custom ALSA device that somehow pipes the audio out to SPDIF and to say mplayer which would convert the AC3 to PCM and send it out the LINE OUT.
Still hopping someone can help me out with this.

nathan909 Wrote:I used the below .asoundrc for my Zotac Mag and it works on both HDMI and Spdif, but i only get audio out of one channel on the hedphone/lineout..

Anyone know how to fix this?



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Can XBMC/ALSA use HDMI audio + SPDIF at the same time?0