[AppleTV/Hardy] No sound in interface/AC3/DTS
Hi board,

I followed the excellent guide here to install a minimal Hardy with XBMC on my modded AppleTV (w/ Broadcom card).

I only have one problem: I have no sound in the interface as well as some movies (basically the Full HD ones with AC3 or DTS audio). And these movies crash XBMC after a few seconds of (stuttered) playback (but I think this is linked to the sound issue).

The sound over HDMI it self works:
speaker-test -Dplughw:0,3 -c4 -twav
gives the correct audio output.

My current Audio settings are:
numeric audio
4.0 speaker arrangement
Boost volume level on downmix checked
everything else unchecked
audio output custom & plughw:0,3
audio passthrough custom & plughw:0,3

Any clue is most welcome!! Wink

Thanks a lot!
Nobody ? Sad

The only thing I actually changed compared to the howto is that I installed xbmc-live rather than the manual autologin + xbmc launch.
Ok, I got it to work.

The audio device as to be set up to default while this is the passthrough which has to be set to custom: plughw:0,3

I'll update the wiki to make this clearer.

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[AppleTV/Hardy] No sound in interface/AC3/DTS0