Kai not connected
i am running the 11/15 build of xbmc and the version of the kai engine. the kai engine on the pc shows a ui connetion at the appropriate ip. however, xbmc gives me the "kai not connected would you like to connect through xbmc" error. all was good with the last version. when upgrading i overwrote everything except the config xml and i have also erased the tdata info. all other access (ftp etc) to my xbox is good. password and id are correct in xbmc.

any suggestions.

thank you
first, please post in correct forum!

secondly, make sure kai works with windows ui before attempting to use xbmc (as ui)
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

my bad.  thanks for the move.

and the pc ui works fine.
i've this same problem exactly Sad
with ui in win xp kai is working but when i swith this in to xbmc, throug router Sad, i have acces to the net becouse i can read weather. so connection is good (ftp itp) but no kai on xbmc.
did you resolve this problem ?
sorry for my bad english Sad
your description is just as mine. unfortunatley no resolution yet.
sup guys, if you fire up kai config do u have it set to dashboard use? make sure it is also set for autologin and to accept any ip. hope that helps :kickass:
yep it's set up there.
i'm having the same problem. i don't even see the ip recognized in the win task bar. just get the 'cannot connect' message in xbmc. anybody fix this yet?
i have the same problem. although i had it working seperately from xbmc, which is why i believe it is a issue with xbmc. i believe all configurations are correct, i just can't figure out what the problem is.
guys i was having this same problem and was just about to post up and add my name to the list. then it dawned on me. do i have the latest version of xlink kai? turns out i didn't i went to the site and download the latest. and it worked just like the instructions said. i see the status in my windows toolbar and everything. very sweet! i might just give up xbox live! after all!

the file name is xlinkkaievo7.zip. good luck!

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