Weird problem with smb
hi people!

i'm using xbmc cvs build 11-18-2004 and i'm having weird problems with worgroup (smb). it show my shared folders but just some of the videos can be played, if i copy those videos on xbox harddrive all working ok.
i receive a :
20-11-2004 10:03:46 info filesmb->open: unable to open file : 'smb://grillomovil/bitk/supersizeme/supersizeme.avi'
unix_err:'d' nt_err : 'c0000022' error : 'access denied'
20-11-2004 10:03:46 error cmplayer::openfile() smb://grillomovil/bitk/supersizeme/supersizeme.avi failed

i check attributes on the files but all is ok, i did probe changing full control to the folders but it's still with the problem. the weird part is that the same file work ok if i copy on my xbox harddisk, and there are some other video files wich work like a charm.

thanx in advance!

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Weird problem with smb0