Feature Suggestion: Last Played
I would like to see what I have last played, similar to windows media centre,

When you highlight 'Videos' on the main screen, you see thumbnails and names of your last 3 played videos to the right of the 'Videos' label, and you can just navigate using the 'Right' button on the remote to the one you want to watch again, and press 'ok' to play it.
It would work the same for Music etc..
I like your idea, although your thoughts of highlighting the 'videos' category and having the last 3 scroll out to the right are kind of skin specific (Confluence I'm thinking?)

It could probably be implemented by having a 'Recently Played Videos' node in the video library. The music section already has this as 'Recently Played Albums', so it would be the same as far as how to access it. Skinners could add a shortcut to the menus, kind of like how you can jump straight to 'recently added'. You could also add the 'pop-out' functionality you want via a script since the info would be in the database, much like how some skins display recently added TV and movies right on the main page.

now you just need to get someone to code it......

edit: upon inspection i've noticed that the video database does have a lastPlayed field for video files. Not sure when this gets updated (when started/stopped/finished) but it could probably be used or modified to get the correct information to populate the node.
You can make a Smart Playlist, but unfortunately it doesn't differentiate between those really watched and those marked manually as watched. I don't think there is a way to do that yet.

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Feature Suggestion: Last Played0