My xbmc not start sometimes at startup with ubuntu 10.04 and revo
Sometimes my xbmc mounted with this tutorial => not start.

He freezes at Ubuntu 10.04 progress screen. If I press F1 I see terminal with no errors. If I ssh from another pc, the system seems normally. I had seen xbmc logs, and /var/logs but I didn't see anything anormal.

I reinstall system 2 times, I make this things:
-follow xbmcbuntu tutorial
-install last nvidia drivers from script download at oficial website
-Follow this post for shutdown and reset from xbmc =>
-Install lirc

This is a Acer Aspire revo R3610.

Any ideas?
When I first started using Lucid I've had the same problem. After googling around I came to the conclusion it was due to the graphics drivers.
I did the following,

sudo nano /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
sudo update-initramfs -u

I also stopped using drivers from the Nvidia site and use a PPA instead,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-185-libvdpau

They are very good with keeping up to date and it means I still have a working graphics driver after a kernel update.

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My xbmc not start sometimes at startup with ubuntu 10.04 and revo0