Does latest XBMC SVN build support Intel GMA 4500mhd DXVA?
Hi, im currently thinking on tweaking out a cheap Compaq CQ60 notebook to be a portable media center for use with travel.
The upgrades on the notebook will be a bump on the CPU from a Celeron to a more power efficent Intel C2D and a dual band Wireless N card.
Also gonna bump the ram from 2gb to 4gb.

Il try testing out XBMC later once i get a hold off a Windows 7 install media since only Vista / 7 supports Intel DXVA.

Also thanks in advance. Smile
No, it doesn't.
Thanks for the reply. Smile

But i guess a standard Intel C2D should handle 720p content pretty well.
Got no reason to hook up my external bluray drive since the screen size is at 1366x768.

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Does latest XBMC SVN build support Intel GMA 4500mhd DXVA?0