how to Launch exe from Phil65 aeon,s mod

i want to know if you can use the launcher to launch the Mozilla or mame from aeon´s mod .

It´s possible?

I have been investigated but that can,t be done from Aeon

Thanks in advance
Malacarne Wrote:Hello

i want to know if you can use the launcher to launch the Mozilla or mame from aeon´s mod .

It´s possible?

I have been investigated but that can,t be done from Aeon

Thanks in advance

Here you can download it and follow the instructions. ( Pre Dharma XBMC Build )

If you are using latest Dharma i will post the Download link this evening when i'm at home.
ok i try it soon as possible


Install that, put it under addons. Some dude made it work with the new addonsystem, really NICE. I have also modified the Aeon65 skin to make it work to launch launcher directly from Games on the Main Menu.
There's an new addon called executor, I didn't tested it but it should do what you want. Just install it from Addons, Programs Addons, Executor and tell us if it's working.
Does that have the ability to launch roms?
frellAn Wrote:

Install that, put it under addons. Some dude made it work with the new addonsystem, really NICE. I have also modified the Aeon65 skin to make it work to launch launcher directly from Games on the Main Menu.

Thanks for the link.

But when I try to launch it, it just stops at this point:

And then nothing happens. Cant push any of the options? Someone who can help please Smile

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how to Launch exe from Phil65 aeon,s mod0