Busy Dialog Not Appearing
I'm running XBMC on Windows 7. I have two NAS's that are distributing content to my HTPC. Both of the NAS's are configured to power down the hard drives when they're not being used after a certain amount of time. So here's my problem.

When I select Movies XBMC starts to access my network and just hangs. It does this because the NAS's are restoring power to the HDs. Once the NAS's are awake and online XBMC continues to list all my movies. I've read through all the forum posts that had 'busy dialog' listed but didn't come across an answer. I've looked through the skins I have installed and all have a DialogBusy.xml yet none display this dialog when the computer is actually busy.

How do I get the busy dialog to show up when the XBMC is busy? And if there isn't an easy way, is there a way to hack into an xml to force it to pop up? Thanks for any help.

Seriously? Is there no one out there that can at least point me in some kind of helpful direction?
The "busy" indicator was added sometime after 9.11, so if you are on 9.11 you don't have it. Upgrade to a nightly build to get the busy indicator.
At a guess, the bit of XBMC that queries the network drive is not running asynchronously so it blocks until the network server responds. If so there is no way round this without firing up your C++ compliler.

bmillham - I installed the most current nightly build and the dialog still doesn't show.

jhsrennie - I don't know anything about C++. Is there a way to force the Busy Dialog to pop up via xml, or maybe even make my own message that pops up until the requested window is available?
-Glass- Wrote:jhsrennie - I don't know anything about C++. Is there a way to force the Busy Dialog to pop up via xml, or maybe even make my own message that pops up until the requested window is available?

You'd have to get a definitive answer from whichever developers know that bit of the code well, but I would guess the answer is no.

Can you extend the time taken for the NAS disks to spin down? If you set it to be an hour then it should only be a problem when you first start XBMC.


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Busy Dialog Not Appearing0