getting a lot of "can't open database" errors
hi there!

ubuntu 10.04 desktop - xbmc camelot

xbmc crashed last night... not a common occurrence for me! been looking at the log and i seem to have a lot of errors like :

18:51:25 T:139677319788304 M:1346674688   ERROR: Can't open the database MyVideos34.db as it is a NEWER version than what we were expecting!
18:50:51 T:139677189506832 M:1349111808   ERROR: Can't open the database MyMusic7.db as it is a NEWER version than what we were expecting!

is that what made it crash? do i need to be worried about it becoming unstable ?

thanx !
Looks like you have upgraded to a newer version of xbmc and then restored an older version. Either that or restored a db that was created with an older version of xbmc.

Need to use a newer version of xbmc.
ah! i see Smile

i tried dharma for a bit but my plugins wouldn't work so i went back to camelot... how can i fix this without updating again? or can i simply delete these files and rebuild the database?
You can delete those files, but you will lose your library, watched statues, etc... Databases aren't backwards compatible.

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getting a lot of "can't open database" errors0