Strange problem with updating library for TV Shows
Two Mad Men episodes not being detected by a library update were correctly scraped when selecting them one by one and asking for Episode Information. (here I simply asked to update the library, nothing was found in the Mad Men directory). (here I manually selected the two episodes that didn't get scanned and asked for Episode Information, the information came through and the episodes were correctly added to the database).
TVDB got major issues at the moment (DoS attack) - you might just have been lucky. I managed to scrape some shows earlier, but recently API seems down again
I'm not knowledgeable enough about XBMC but from reading the logs it seems that the files themselves are not found through a regular update, whereas when requesting episode info the scraper starts and then completes successfully.

It's not as if in the first case the scraper started and returned an error due to the API being down. Not that I can tell, at least.
The only way the hash would match is if the files where there when it was scanned at some earlier point.

Either way, unless we can get a reproducible case, there's nothing we can do.
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One idea: could it depend on me trying to update the library, having the scraper fail due to TheTVdb problems and later ignoring all further tries to update the library with those two files? Because I activated debug logging, exited and restarted XBMC before doing what you see in those two logs.
Maybe - I'm not completely sure. There's one case where we update the hash prior to scanning stuff, so it might have been that case.
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One question: is there any way to have a silent debug log, without the onscreen indications constantly on? If that were possible I'd keep it always activated (I think the performance hit must be negligible), but the osd is annoying...

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Strange problem with updating library for TV Shows0