[LINUX] Apple TV xorg.conf resolution help
Last time I installed Linux on my first AppleTV, I must have done something differently as when I installed it on my new AppleTV yesterday, I've been unable to get the resolution any higher than 1024x768 Sad

I followed this guide to install Linux (http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...he_AppleTV) except I installed directly to the hard drive, removing the aTV o/s.

I then followed this thread (http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=54685) specifically the first post to obtain the EDID info. My EDID info can be found here http://pastebin.ca/1936117 - Note that it states that all 1280x720 are invalid. I've used them before (although it's been about a year since I installed and subsequently removed Linux on my first AppleTV) as stated above although my TV does not support 1280x720 natively, it does scale and allow me to use 1280x720 and shows the option in XBMC.

Once I set my modelines in xorg.conf using the EDID information above, I still only had 1024x764. I remembered that I had an issue the last time I installed Linux and using an example copy of xorg.conf for HDMI from davilla's site (http://code.google.com/p/atv-bootloader/wiki/atvdisplay) and it working well. So, I tried that. Here is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.ca/1936120 - But I am still only able to select 1024x768!! Sad

Here is my Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.ca/1936119 - You can see where it is saying there are no modes for 1280x720 - It even does this when I've used the EDID information and created a modeline Sad

Any help would be appreciated!


Trying to help clean up the afterbirth :laugh:

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[LINUX] Apple TV xorg.conf resolution help0