Small delay before the sound starts on my HTPC
I don't have this problem on my main computer, but whenever I start a file (any file) on my HTPC, the sound starts about 1 to 2 seconds after the video. It's rather hard to notice since most video files start quietly, but some recent Futurama episodes caught my attention. If you simply skip back to the beginning of the video, it will play the audio just fine.

I'm not sure whether or not I had this problem in 9.11 (I'll check that soon), but it is definitely there in 10.0 Beta 1, 2, and at least some of the earlier nightly builds. I tried toggling the hardware acceleration on and off and messed with the sync options without any luck. I don't have this problem with any other player on that system either.

I'm running Windows 7 64bit on an ASUS card with an integrated HD3200(catalyst 10.8) and an Athlon 4800+ x2. Also, here's a debug log of me starting XBMC and launching a video with this problem:
It sounds like your receiver takes a little bit of time when switching format. Nothing unusual in the debug log.
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Small delay before the sound starts on my HTPC0