Sharpness SD-content
I could be all wrong and after trying many, many beta releases, I can't reproduce it anymore :confused2:

In one of the beta releases I surprisingly noticed, I could actually change the sharpness (in the video OSD) of an AVI movie (no MKV). Because of this, the somewhat blurry SD AVI's, suddenly looked much sharper on a big screen. Oh, what joy!

Unfortunately I can't remember which beta version I used or which drivers/settings. VDPAU on/off, Post-processing on/off, Nvidia 195, 256, idea. It's been bugging me ever since.

Does anyone else achieved this? and if so with what settings?

Again, I could be completely mistaken and maybe it's not even possible for SD-content, but I do remember so vividly how much better these AVIs looked.
You can only set the sharpness when using VDPAU.
Exactly! That's the weird part. I used Vdpau sharpness on a SD-avi.
Found it! It's definitely SD-content, though is was not an AVI.

It was a SD wmv video stream from mms:// wmstream-12 (example)

Can this also be done with AVI containers (divx, xvid) or is this not supported, yet?
VDPAU supports certain codecs, avi is a container, whether vdpau is used depends entirely on codec and not at all on the container.

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Sharpness SD-content0