[LINUX] xmbc resized way smaller than fullscreen and unresponsive
Hi all,
last night I installed xbmc from stable ppa with live package for start at boot on a fresly installed Ubuntu 10.04 Server i386 over an ION1 hardware (Asrock 330)

Actually can't post more information because I'm not in front of that computer but hope this is a known issue so I can solve it as soon as possible (already spent a lot of time on other issues) but I understand it may take time therefore I will add details like logs.

Here is the problem:
After a successful installation I added a video source and tried it, everything working except audio, so I went to system to check options and after deselect of downmix I pressed ESC, after that the previously fullscreen xbmc reduced in a corner of the monitor being unresponsive to keyboard, there's a x cursor in the centre of the monitor suggesting me the graphic server still in full screen.
Tried just rebooting it but nothing changes, from now on it boots with small unresponsive xbmx in upper left corner or a small white terminal Eek

If someone have any suggestion I'll appreciate, for missing information I'll add this evening if necessary. At worst I'll reinstall it but would not!

Thanks for help
maxppc Wrote:Here is the problem:
After a successful installation I added a video source and tried it, everything working except audio, so I went to system to check options and after deselect of downmix I pressed ESC, after that the previously fullscreen xbmc reduced in a corner of the monitor being unresponsive to keyboard, there's a x cursor in the centre of the monitor suggesting me the graphic server still in full screen.
Tried just rebooting it but nothing changes, from now on it boots with small unresponsive xbmx in upper left corner or a small white terminal Eek

If someone have any suggestion I'll appreciate, for missing information I'll add this evening if necessary. At worst I'll reinstall it but would not!

There is no need to reinstall. You can either change the startup script of XBMC to enable standalone mode, which should make XBMC launch in fullscreen mode or you can just delete your XBMC configuration.

As I do not use the XBMC-PPA packages I don't know where they put their startup scripts. I would guess that the XBMC shell script is found at /usr/bin/xbmc but as I said, I don't know for sure. You can edit this script and enable standalone mode.

You can also just delete your XBMC configuration which should make XBMC start with a maximized window or in fullscreen mode. Just rename/remove the folder: /home/$USER/.xbmc (replace $USER with your XBMC user).

Good Luck
Try using the mouse and move it over xbmc then press / on the keyboard this will make it fullscreen again
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That worked! Thank you very much!

Moving mouse over xbmc and pressing "\" solved the situation avoiding me to clear settings
spiff Wrote:\

thats what i meant thanks
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[LINUX] xmbc resized way smaller than fullscreen and unresponsive0