Update Xbmc Live DHarma 3

I'm new to Xbmc live. i used to have XBMC installed in Windows.
I'm also a not advanced Ubuntu User..

I just realized thet there a New Dharma release for Xbmc live, the Beta 3, but I don't understand how to update from my Beta 2.

I read the PPA but I don't know how to add repository from XBMC, I usually do it through the GUI in Ubuntu.

Sorry if the subject is already answered, I couldn't find it.

I'm new to Xbmc live. i used to have XBMC installed in Windows.
I'm also a not advanced Ubuntu User..

I just realized thet there a New Dharma release for Xbmc live, the Beta 3, but I don't understand how to update from my Beta 2.

I read the PPA but I don't know how to add repository from XBMC, I usually do it through the GUI in Ubuntu.

Sorry if the subject is already answered, I couldn't find it.
just research. xbmc update

there are several threads with the exact lines to post into terminal to get it updated.

I know your fairly new here since august of 2010 and only have 8 posts, but try searching a little better as the subject has been asked and answered more times than I have fingers and toes.


Actually, in this case, see my response here.

We were using some hackish scripts to upgrade ALSA before. Any kernel update would likely break sound. These have been replaced with solid backports instead.

So backup (just save ~/.xbmc) and reinstall this time. Then you should be set for the future.


I actually updated and got a broken audio. So I did a backup. Reinstall (formatting) and at first boot I get this message: XBMC needs hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering. Intall an appropriate Graphic driver.
please consult wiki...

WIth Beta all was wotking fine.
I have an ATI HD4500
Reinstalled again. at third boot it was fine... thanks for all you do.

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Update Xbmc Live DHarma 30