Dharma4 possible bug with video

I have problem when I try to play some (biger) mkv files on Dharma4 ... it was same on dharma3.

My setup: Win Xp SP2/ P4 3Ghz 2cores/ 2 G DDR2 ram/ Ati HD4350/ MBO is Gigabyte GA-8i915 P duo with integrated sound card (c-media 9880)

Here is debug log: http://pastebin.com/nEu0ZNQ1

In short. When I try to play a "smaller" mkv file, like Tv show episode, everything is fine, but when I try to play a movie like Dire Straits Alchemy my PC reboots.

When I try to play same file with some other player like KM player everything is fine.

If you need more info pls let me know.

Thx in advance Smile
If your PC reboots then that's a device driver problem.

Windows is designed so that whatever an application does it can't crash the whole system. Apart from hardware faults like overheating or faulty memory, the only things that can crash Windows are bugs in Windows itself or buggy device drivers. Bugs in Windows are rare these days so it's almost certainly a device driver.

XBMC may be causing the crash in the sense that it crashes when XBMC plays a video, but that just means XBMC is doing something that exposes the bug in the devivce driver.

Just started testing. It looks like it is sound driver, had some problems with soundcard in previus builds.

With some older build XBMC would hang when I played Confused music but it was ok wit movies Huh

Now it is running on microsoft HD audio driver... so far no restarts ..but i virtualy have no controle over sound card.. (no EQ ......no nothing Sad )

thanks anyway now I can listen and watch my Dire Straits Big Grin

thx Nod
Sorry to bump this, but I could realy use some help or advice.

As I sead I have integrated c-media 9880 sound. Under Xp it works only with microsoft driver (I mean correctly with XBMC).

I tried with win 7, fresh install + fresh install dharama 4. Divers are c-media (for xp Blush).

Some files wont play again.

My question is could this be solved in future or should i find a nother soundcarad...?

btw all files that are problem with XBMC play fine in lvc player

here is my log http://pastebin.com/2HNpqqMt

Thx for advice...hope i was clear enough

Could this be moved to windows section pls

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Dharma4 possible bug with video0