Ignore mp3 if flac version available
I have quite a few albums that I've had to convert to mp3 for my devices that don't support flac playback. Manually sorting these files into separate folders across multiple devices gets a little messy, so I was wondering if the proposed behavior in the mockup below would be possible? (not sure what the "make default" feature for music sources is currently used for, except possibly where to rip CD's to)


I'd imagine that others would like similar a similar function for the video library, but personally I like to know if I have duplicate movies so that I can conserve space by deleting them.

If anyone likes this idea and would like to make it happen, thank you! If not... have a nice day. Nod

I definitely like the idea. Although, to be honest, it's fairly simple to organize music with different folders that you keep off your XBMC shares.
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ashlar Wrote:I definitely like the idea. Although, to be honest, it's fairly simple to organize music with different folders that you keep off your XBMC shares.

True. I just know that I've got a few hundred albums to sort through, and if I have to do it manually, it probably won't happen. I can't really expect someone to bend over backwards to help me out with this, but if it's not too hard and others may benefit, it sure would be cool to see this feature!

It is easy to sort them off your shares but who wants their media all over the place?
The "make default" option is to assign a certain folder/level to be the default when first opening the music section after a booting up/starting xbmc.

for instance i select "genre" in my music library to be my default so once i open my music section after boot, it goes straight to my genres.

This setting is ignored once you navigate around and back out to the home menu. once entering the music section again. you will return to wherever you were before exiting to home
I had the same problem. 250 CD's ripped to alac and lots of mp3s. But I wanted all to be accessible under 1 library.

The option I choose was to append the (CD) tag to all album names.

Jagged little pill
Jagged little pill (CD)

Now I can see both and in a way it is much more elegant. Because it IS a 1:1 CD copy

Downside is the default scaping does not find all albums. A regex. Could solve that to.remove the (CD) before scraping
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Ignore mp3 if flac version available0