[AppleTV] Remote Control not working properly ?
I am running XBMC 10.0 Final on OpenELEC, I cannot get the remote control to work properly (eg. up / down / left / right / play / etc ..).

On some level the remote is being noticed by XBMC if I hold and press - or + & menu at the same time I get 'pairing' notifications from XBMC. Also if I press and hold menu , the aTV will power off.

I'm really not sure what to do.
Hopefully this will help, as I'm not that savvy, but did
stumble on a fix by pushing the left side of the ring, and the
menu button at the same time, holding. Then I saw on a symbol of unpairing on the upper left corner of the TV screen. This seemed odd, as I thought this was exactly the opposite of what I wanted. But then it just worked.
no guarantees this is your fix, but good luck.

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[AppleTV] Remote Control not working properly ?0